
May I be honest with you?
What I'm about to tell you is rather true,
That I do struggle with a drug or two
So I can sleep and not wake up past noon.

While it'd be nice to call me lazy
For my time spent in bed. I'm actually hazy,
Lost in an ecliptic struggle that's known as my mind,
Every time I wake I'm feeling mentally blind
And I just can't unwind.
I feel like I'm in this never ending bind,
Making my nights combined
With liquor and pills
That'll calm the chills

I know I'll wake every morning
There's no need for mourning.
These aren't the drugs that'll fuck me up.
They're just making me sane,
Making it possible to explain
That this worldly domain
Isn't lived in vain.
It's just a shame
That this is what I have to do to not be insane.


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