Thank You for Loving Me
I truly must thank you for the love that I give
Has disbursed into a world far larger
No longer is it directed to you or to that of a few
I truly can change the lives of thousands it's true
I can change the land with a thriving plan
One that will allow a community to expand
For art is forever, until all is removed
From the mind that once fed them of the world they approved
And I will do all I can so that I may improve
Not just the lives of a few but generations to come through
While I may perish before my plan is complete
My dream is anything but obsolete
Imagine a place where languages thrive
Where science and math have a place alongside
Tech and engineering and the arts as well
No religion to join, wouldn't that be swell?
Sure you can practice in your home to no pain
But our community will focus on pushing the plain
I will change all so remember my name
No action left will swelter in vain
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